COVID-19 cases identified among nursing home patients at New Horizons Care Center and hospital patients at North Big Horn Hospital.
LOVELL, WY, October 22, 2020 - With the uptick of COVID-19 cases in Big Horn County, Big Horn County public health officials have confirmed that first positive cases among patients and staff at North Big Horn Hospital District. Positive cases were first confirmed on September 29, 2020 and further testing was initiated. Those testing positive, include a total of 34 individuals, both employees and residents combined. North Big Horn Hospital District performs regular surveillance testing on employees.
"When cases were identified among our residents and patients, we took immediate action to control the spread of this virus," said Rick Schroeder, CEO "Protecting our residents and patients is our highest priority and we need the community's help to slow the spread of COVID-19 to protect the vulnerable population."
Per quarantine and contact tracing protocols, we are taking precautions including isolating patients who have tested positive and restricting visitors. We are also increasing the frequency of surveillance testing for employees and residents to multiple times a week.
Currently North Big Horn Hospital District has a sufficient supply of masks, gowns, gloves, and other personal protective equipment. Staff will continue to diligently adhere to proper PPE usage guidelines to prevent further spread of the virus. Additional measures that have been taken at North Big Horn Hospital District to prevent COVID-19 include:
Suspension of physical residents and patient visitation.
Residents receive meals in their room.
All staff will continue to be screened for symptoms of an infectious condition as per the CDC guidelines for healthcare facilities.
All patients presenting to the hospital and clinic are screened upon admission prior to receiving health care services. Residents, patients and staff are regularly screened thereafter for symptoms of an infectious condition, including COVID-19.
Residents are expected to practice social distancing throughout the day, including during at mealtime, daily activities, etc.
Staff continue to be required to properly wear facemasks suitable for healthcare professionals while on duty in all areas. Use of face masks has been standard practice in all direct care areas of the facility since March.
Staff have been using PPE in accordance with CDC guidelines for healthcare facilities related to COVID-19 and as per infectious control policies.
Staff have been directed to follow all the public health prevention measures such as staying home if sick, washing their hands, practicing social distancing and cleaning surfaces more frequently. If staff become sick while at work, they are sent home immediately.
"We are seeing an exponential increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in our county," said Infection Prevention Practitioner, Emily Nebel. "Members of our community need to take prevention measures to slow the spread of this contagious and potentially life-threatening illness."
The community is asked to continue following guidelines to prevent further spread and protect vulnerable citizens including:
Wear a mask in public places and when physical distancing is not possible.
Wash hands often with soap and water or use alcohol based hand sanitizer.
Social distance whenever possible.
Stay home if you're sick.
Any questions or concerns about COVID-19 can be directed to the public non-medical COVID-19 hotline at 888-425-7138. If you are experiencing severe symptoms including shortness of breath, fever, and/or cough, go to the emergency room. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment at 307-548-5201.