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Covid Information

Symptoms of COVID-19:

Fever or chills
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
New loss of taste or smell

Big Horn County in Wyoming is in the RED for community transmission rates.

If you are ill, please do not visit-and contact your doctor
Screen prior to visit at screening stations
Wear a well-fitting surgical mask during entire visit
Do not hang out in areas as groups
Social distance if possible (at least 6 feet apart)
Remember to cover your cough
Preform hand hygiene often

New Horizons Care Center Visitors

If you are ill, please do not visit
Front doors will be locked-ring doorbell for screening/entrance (until community is out of red)
Visits should take place outside, if possible, if not go straight to room you are visiting (until community is out of red)
Social Distance (at least six feet apart)
Remember to cover your cough
Preform hand hygiene often

Covid-19 Press Releases

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