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New Horizons Care Center Update

November 12, 2020 - There are currently four active COVID-19 cases at New Horizons Center, 33 residents have tested positive, 19 have recovered and sadly there have been 10 deaths. Among staff 35 have tested positive, 11 remain active, and 13 out on quarantine for exposure.

"It's alarming to see the continued spread of this virus throughout not only our community, but our entire region, at such a quick pace." Rick Schroeder, CEO said, "An analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation puts deaths from COVID-19 as the nation's third-leading cause of death in 2020, behind only heart disease and cancer. With this virus claiming the lives of more than 242,000 Americans, 127 Wyomingites and now 10 Big Horn County residents, it is more critical than ever that we all work together to prevent further spread of this COVID-19. We can do that by wearing our masks, keeping a safe distance from others, washing our hands and staying home if we're sick."

We remind everyone to get vaccinated for the seasonal flu. Almost everyone over 6 months of age should have the vaccination annually. It is especially important this year so that our healthcare system is not overburdened with influenza cases in addition to COVID-19. North Big Horn Clinic is offering flu shots for adults this Friday, November 13 th at the annual drive through clinic, please call 307-548-5201 for an appointment time. Children's flu shots are available by appointment on the afternoon of Friday, November 20 th and all-day Wednesday, November 25th. The clinic can make appointments for other times as well. This vaccination will not prevent COVID-19 but will help our healthcare system and community.

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call North Big Horn Hospital clinic at 307-548-5201 to schedule an appointment to be seen. If your symptoms are severe, including shortness of breath, altered mental status or severe headache, please call the hospital at 307-548-5200 and advise them that you will be coming into the ER.