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March 15, 2021

Press Release

Recently New Horizons Care Center began allowing scheduled family visits in specific areas of the building. About 30 visits were held last week. Volunteers, who will be required to participate in regular surveillance COVID testing, may start being allowed in the building to facilitate group activities, including spiritual services. And surveillance testing for staff working in the care center will now be required monthly instead of weekly. Our residents have also been able to go out on bus rides.

We look forward to this next phase of re-opening and helping those we serve get back to a more normal routine. Strict infection prevention measures will be followed with visits and clergy/volunteers during this next phase. We encourage everyone to continue to be vigilant and follow the established norms such as staying at home from work when sick and performing regular hand hygiene. This re-opening is subject to a continued trend of decreasing case numbers both in our facility and in the community.